Frequently Asked Questions
Find out answers to the questions we are most commonly asked by our customers
Chronic Care management is a Medicare part B service. This means that Medicare treats the program like an office visit or lab, and covers 80% of the program. The remaining 20% of the program is typically covered by your secondary/supplemental insurance. If your secondary insurance does not cover the program, the cost is typically around $6-$8/month. To find out if your secondary insurance will cover the program, please contact your insurance provider and ask if they cover the cpt code #99490.
It is great you are feeling well and we encourage you to keep it up. Think of our Health Coach as someone who can help you continue to stay healthy and proactive. The Health Coach can also make sure your doctor knows about any changes in medication made by other specialists. Most importantly, early recognition of small changes can help prevent future complications down the road. Our goal with this program is to keep you as healthy as possible, and prevent unnecessary visits to your doctor or the hospital.
You do not need an e-mail address and can always update your Health Coach with your stats over the phone. However, if you have a family member, friend etc. that has an email address that we can use, you would benefit from receiving our emails. You can also access email at the library, church or senior center.
Yes! You can call your Health Coach between business hours or message your coach through our RevUp application. You can also log any activity between calls so that when you do speak to your coach, he/she has all of your updated information. Access to the application is instant when you sign up for RevUp.
There is no requirement on how much or how often you log, but the more information your doctor and health coach have, the better! This program is for you and we definitely don’t want you to be overwhelmed or think of it as a chore, but instead, something that you find helps you to reach your health goals. Also, each practice is slightly different in how they review your information. Your doctor also works with a team that includes MAs, Nurses, and other clinical experts that may review your chart.
A caregiver may speak with our health care team on behalf of the patient with the patient’s approval. We will need the caregiver’s name and contact information so that we can proceed to communicate with that caregiver on behalf of the patient when necessary. The caregiver can also use his/her email address to access the patients RevUp account on behalf of the patient per patient approval.
A caregiver may speak with our health care team on behalf of the patient with the patient’s approval. We will need the caregiver’s name and contact information so that we can proceed to communicate with that caregiver on behalf of the patient when necessary. The caregiver can also use his/her email address to access the patients RevUp account on behalf of the patient per patient approval.
Our program has no contract or obligation, and you can cancel at any time by messaging your RevUp nurse, emailing support, letting your health coach know, or giving us a call at 866-716-0083 Mon.-Fri. between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Pacific Time.
Once a month is the usual. Many of our patients agree that the monthly phone conversation is the right amount of contact that they are comfortable with to participate in the program. However, if you have more complex needs or your health changes we may be in contact more often.
No, just contact us to get started!